Are you looking for coaching support through a whole year of building up to and experiencing different events?
Each year we take on a limited number of people on the basis of a Twelve Month commitment to work closely together, focused on the range of challenges that lie ahead. Our starting point is to think through together what will make for an exciting, fulfilling year of great events and challenges – so you can look back with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
We typically start in around November or December, sketching out what you want to get out of the coming year - the new starts or new heights you want to reach, the possible mix of events to go for, any specific races to highlight and peak for as well as your other commitments, circumstances and available time. A beauty of this way of working is that you don’t need to have every race already identified. We can work together in a flexible way, adapting to changed conditions and seizing new opportunities that come up.
“It has been a fantastic three years - you have steered me with an experienced, measured and kind hand to enable me to achieve things that I’d never have imagined I could whilst making it all fun and pleasurable.”
As an example, this last year one client started in early Winter with an ambition to set a half marathon personal best time in the coming Spring and to make a big step up in her swimming. Together we decided to target a distance open water event in the Summer. In the course of the year she also had the chance of a week’s full-on cycling in Mallorca. We finished the year with a few lower key triathlons to close off the season. What a terrific active year with great achievements and new heights reached to look back on!
Throughout the twelve months the support consists of:
early discussion of aims and ambitions, which areas you may want to develop further and challenges to build toward
an overall plan, with more detailed Training Guides as needed through the year to target particular events
use of an online log to follow prescribed sessions and record what you have done
weekly 20-30 minute Coaching Calls
occasional face to face meetings as needed, such as to review one phase before starting another or to go through race preparation and mental strategies.
In these ways the Twelve Month Support can be responsive and adapted as we go along. Several clients have chosen to continue working together beyond the initial twelve months.
Costs are a standard £90 a month, covering any plans, Training Guides and face to face meetings and one to one training sessions (other than Swim Analyses which are charged separately).
Follow what others have done on the Stories page and get in touch if you are interested: or 07758703572