Looking for extra support to help with pre-event nerves, or maybe deeper struggles with self-belief and motivation?
For most of us, learning new skills or taking part in an event is far more than a question of mastering a technique, being fit and organised, vital though these are. How we feel, our attitudes, emotions and how we react when things get hard are absolutely key to getting the best out of ourselves – to being the best we can be and going beyond what we thought possible.
Whatever the scale of your challenge, our aim is to get you to the start line feeling excited, sure of those things you can control and completely attuned to the magic of the moment, surprising yourself and others with what you can do.
“Big endurance events are 80-90% about psychology - and the rest is all in your mind”
ZigZag Alive prides itself in being a leader in the field of confidence and self-belief, setting up and running a resource for and network of all sports coaches called Confidence-Centred Coaching. This firmly puts confidence at the heart of great coaching practice - as captured in our book Beyond Belief: The Art of Confidence-Centred Coaching.
We have great experience of helping people overcome deep seated fears, such as entering a big swelling sea with lots of competitors jostling for breathing space. We have also worked at the front line of confidence for those tackling big, daunting endurance events, such as the gruelling six day ultra Marathon de Sable in the Sahara Desert.
Each person’s challenges and needs are of course different, though typically our support includes:
a face to face meeting for an hour to an hour and a half to talk through particular concerns and what you experience
we may plunge in the sea together, taking theory to open water practice, or talk together over a more leisurely coffee and cake! Whatever will help most and fit with where you are at
a follow up summary Guide with a framework for you to put into practice and rehearse for your particular challenges.
For a one-off consultation prices vary as such sessions are very much tailor made (as all ZigZag Alive coaching), likely to be around £75. For those on the Twelve Month or Event Specific support programmes such support is all included.
Give us a call on 07758 703572 or email info@zigzagalive.com to discuss your interests and what you’d like to achieve and we’d be happy to help.