This short post is simply to provide the photographic evidence of a great time yesterday, following the Snailpace Trail round Brighton & Hove and to give a warm shout out to a great team - Shell Shocked - a great Club - Brighton Tri Club - and a great cause - the Martlets Hospice.
All over Brighton & Hove fifty fabulous giant snail sculptures are in place over the next two weeks, promoting the Martlets Hospice and providing some super artistic snail space. Brighton Tri Club stalwart Kev wanted to find a way of raising a little money for the Hospice as his wife Jane is in their care - initially setting a target of £250 on their Just Giving page. From this was born a super social event yesterday, organised by Cathy and Ros.
Teams either ran or cycled (on the City’s Bikeshare cycles) to as many Snails as they could in the two hour limit, collecting points at each - more at the most distant, fewer at the closest to the city centre. So a great mix of speed and endurance, map reading and strategy and lots of posing for selfies!
Team Shell Shocked looking surprised to have made it to the end
It was so much fun. Big thanks to the other members of team Shell Shocked: Laura led from the outset and kept us on route, Katie took care of the recording, Sophie handled our social media and photos and I just tried to keep up with them.
For me, this was also Bri Tri Club at its very best: a big turn out of all ages (including our junior section Sussex TriStars), all wanting to share their support for Jane, Kev and their family whilst still having some friendly competition amongst ourselves.
And that £250 target? Total donations currently stand at a massive £2,253. Don’t miss out from being a part of the #BeMoreSnail movement and a super supportive Club - to donate click here.
Above: Brighton Tri Club and our junior section Sussex TriStars at Snail 50
Below: Shell Shocked - we must have been the most consistently smiley team