And so we come to the end of another year of ZigZag Alive coaching - many extraordinary experiences and stories crafted by clients I’ve been lucky enough to support and be alongside.
This year I’ve also put in some dedicated effort to bringing the ZigZag distinctive coaching ideas and practices to a much wider audience of coaches across all sports. I’ve started running online workshops for coaches and coach developers and have my book Beyond Belief: the Art of Confidence-Centred Coaching ready for launch next March.
And it is on a beyond belief theme that I look back on this year and the experiences of clients surprising themselves with what they can do.
“Resolute Warriors”
The book borrows this phrase from the School of Life (I’m a big fan). Resolute warriors seems to me to capture something special about the people I have been lucky enough to work with over this and many previous years. Each one has their own stories - which I always think are best told by them.
Just as a taster, this year there have been a great variety of stories created. Of Ironman triathlons accomplished - in one case being really up against it and still coming through, in another switching mid-season to a later one to be ready and able to give their best after a run of illness. Another two stories were of competing in the European Triathlon Championships, which ended up as more of a trial than we had hoped for. And for one of those athletes, then going on to the World Triathlon Championships and the exhilarating buzz of all that entailed. And there have been all the ups, downs and ups of a very first season of triathlon, as told by another athlete, TB, on the Stories page.
It’s not all been about performing at big events. Just as much a resolute warrior has been someone I coached some years ago who got in touch for support to find a balanced way of reconnecting to the joy of an active lifestyle whilst giving priority to challenging family and work commitments. To put being present for others before our (if truth be told) sometime obsessive indulgences, seems to me as impressive and worthy of the deepest respect and readiness to help as those relentlessly pursuing illustrious performances and finishers’ medals.
And there have been a number of open water one-to-ones - including for an intrepid visually impaired woman. I think there’s something so freeing and exhilarating in finding oneself in the water, at ease and in your own rhythm, putting away previously deeply ingrained fears or blocks. And I find myself moved by the trust that is shown in me to make those steps.
being brave and creative
And on that note, I think of my own challenge in supporting someone who got in touch, looking for help to find a safe way to an active lifestyle, with big new ambitions to meet, after a seriously debilitating spinal injury. I’m hoping she’ll tell her own story - it’s certainly worth sharing.
One of the things that stands out for me were her words when we first met up. She talked through all that had happened and its impacts, where she was in her ongoing long term rehabilitation and treatment, the support from other professionals and where she wanted to get to. When I asked what she would want from me as a coach she pointedly said: “I need you to be brave.”
We agreed on an exploratory swim lesson, to feel our way to what was going to be possible. She hadn’t swum front crawl before and we knew her previous breast stroke would no longer be an option, given the restricted mobility of her upper body. We hired a hydrotherapy pool and very cautiously and slowly inched our way in: first focusing on the breathing, trying out simple movements and then step by step into the (very) warm water.
“This pool isn’t long enough.”
After around 20mins of this gradual, tentative preparation she gently let herself go - and swam a whole length with an impressively composed, smooth style. Her words, quoted here, when I asked how it felt still move me.
Wow! And what a powerful, humbling affirmation of my coaching philosophy: to always believe in the amazing things people can do with the right degree of challenge, expert care and encouragement - and a little bit of bravery too.
On to a very different swimming pool and another coaching challenge. John, who shared his story of qualifying for the 2024 European and World Triathlon Championships last year, now needed to put in some high quality swim sessions in preparation for these two very competitive up and coming races. Living in the far reaches of Cornwall and with little time to make the long round trips to the nearest pool, he asked me to suggest some interval sessions to be done in the sea.
John’s “long enough” swimming pool
He sent through a photo of his nearest bay and a rough indication of buoys and landmarks. From this I drew up a series of sessions, including a mix of pace changes, sustained efforts over different approximate distances and race specific preparations for both deep water and beach side starts.
It took me back many years ago to when I was an up and coming middle distance runner. A coach saw something in me I didn’t know was there - or maybe he was simply generous. He mapped out a mix of full-on, high intensity challenging interval sessions I could do on the trails in a nearby wood, away from the attentive glare of a track.
All these years on, it felt good carrying on that creative thread in a very different, natural setting. And they seemed to do the job: John coming out the water with the leaders in his races building up to the events and then in with Europe’s and the World’s best, holding his own and feeling good.
“...for now I am proud of myself. Someone who was never into sport - in fact the complete opposite - has done something incredible. That few will experience. That flow, that feeling of being alive and present is in itself a worthwhile pursuit and one to replicate throughout each part of my life.”
One final reflection on the year, for now, and it comes from the athlete who completed one of the most brutal Ironman events going.
Afterwards he sent me a seven page write up of the experience, as he said to record and “bottle the feeling that anything is possible.” His words here sum up the idea of resolute warriors, forging deeply meaningful experiences - and also remind me how rewarding coaching can be.
on to 2025
Several of those I’ve been coaching are carrying on into the coming year - with a super mix of exciting challenges already taking shape. I have some limited space for a few more so if you know of anyone who’s looking to do great things - whatever that might mean for them - please pass on the word.
I also continue to work with young Level Water disabled swimmers - a high point of each week - and co-host Mental Heath Swims. So a super mix of engaging with all ages, abilities and ambitions.
And watch out for the book - launch date 4 March 2025, published by Practical Inspiration Publishing. It’s full of other, resolute warriors’ inspiring stories.